Feb 5, 2011

Machine Empire goes into pre-production for Summer 2011 release

Machine Empire has begun pre-production for its upcoming 2011 release. "We're still deciding on whether to do a full album or continue to release three to six song ep's", says Machine Empire frontman, MT Letsinger. "We write so much material that its just a matter of what goes where", he says. "Today, the 'Album' isn't the only way to go when releasing music. If we have two, three, or four songs that go really well together, maybe we just release it as an extended single, or sometimes there's a theme that ties all the songs together and it's really more one piece with different movements or acts."

The band adds that the next wave of new music is going to be heavier and more aggressive than its previous release, Framework. Nikolazzi, lead guitar, says, "We still have some panty wetter indie rock type shit ready to drop, but the heavy and darker tunes we've been writing are just flowing so naturally that we want to capture the essence of it while it's palpable."

The band will also be uploading video and audio clips from its pre-production rehearsals so fans can see and hear some of the creation process of the new material. "What goes on in the slaughterhouse ain't always pretty", says Anton (drums). "There's quite a process of carving, cutting, adding, and honing that goes into the creation of a Machine Empire song. We'll waste good riffs just to get to whats essential and what the song wants", he adds.

Look for twitter posts from the band for access to the pre-prod video and audio

Hollywood Rock and Roll

Feb 4, 2011

New Machine Empire Website on the Way!

Hello everyone, a quick update from the Machine Empire. Our website is undergoing some awesome innovations and updates. We'll be back on the attack in the next week. We hope to provide you with a great resource to get all the latest news and updates! ML, Machine Empire

Jan 23, 2011

Check out our new Facebook page design!

Come by the newly designed Machine Empire Facebook Fan Page for up to the minute band and tour info. Also, sign up to receive free music, merch and exclusive content from the band!

 Check back soon for upcoming Spring 2011 Tour info!!

Dec 22, 2010

Dave Grohl with Foo Fighters does Nirvana Reunion at Paladinos

Just heard that the secret Foo Fighters show went down at Paladino's in Tarzana. About 500 fans packed the venue while Grohl brought up Novaselic and Pat Smear. Krist apparently played on the Foo's upcoming album. As many of you know Smear played w Nirvana back in the day, and also with the Foo Fighters.

It's crazy how many awesome artists come thru this town and that they're into doing these smaller shows and getting intimate with their fans. I dig..

follow on Twitter

songkick's top 10 US cities for Live rock bands in 2010

Just checked out this songkick report for best cities for live rock music! The blog section of their page has some awesome info on it. check it out here http://www.songkick.com/blog

Dec 21, 2010

The Sword - Tres Brujas

Dunno why but this tune has been stuck in my head for the past 3 days...

these are the lyrics for the chorus, i think theyre fn piercing. whenever a lyric can be a story thats been told for a thousand years... u know its good

Three witches you shall meet
along the road to your fate
The first at twilight, the second at night,
and the third at the coming of day

Three witches you shall meet
upon the path to your fate
The first will love you, the second will deceive you,
and the third will show you the way

Three witches you shall meet
along the road to your fate
The first is twilight, the second is night,
and the third is the coming of day

Check them out here:
Heres the songs youtube vid:

Rok the Fahk out!


This is Anton , the drummer of machine empire. As the years go by and you listen to all your favorite badass bands you love. Sometimes you listen to them, sometimes learn the parts for your instrument, emulate, copy and steal pieces for your chops stash. With all your tools together you try to write, and play the most badass songs you can.Sometimes it works sometimes not. Perspective? maybe. One thing that i have learned over the years as a musician. Is that the best songwriters i have meet, know how to play more than just their instrument. When you see a guy like James Hetfield jump on the drums, and throwdown, or find out Charlie Benante writes alot of the guitar parts for anthrax. You come to realize. There is a reason some people are successful song writers, and great bands, and some are not. So do what the military teaches. learn the other mans job on your team, and you likely have more success with your own job!!!!!

Rock The Fuck Out!!!!!!!!!!